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Michelle Withers is an Associate Professor of Biology at Binghamton University and a STEM-Educator for the university's Center for Teaching and Learning. She participated in the first Summer Institutes (SI), 2004, then returned as a facilitator and workshop leader. She developed a regional offshoot of the original workshop and now leads the Mobile SI, a place-based iteration. She is the former Director of the National Academies Scientific Teaching Alliance, serves on the National Institute on Scientific Teaching Executive Committee, leads the NSF-funded network of national STEM education reform initiatives, NSITE, is an AAAS Partnership for Undergraduate Life Sciences Education (PULSE) Fellow and is a founding member of the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER). Dr. Withers is a co-author of the AAAS report Vision and Change in Undergraduate Biology: A Call to Action (2011) and Assessment In the College Science Classroom (2014), a book in the Scientific Teaching series on effective uses of assessment.

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