Kiki Zissimopoulos is an Assistant Professor of Instruction and First-Year Adviser in the McCormick School of Engineering at Northwestern University (NU). She has a PhD in Biomedical Engineering from NU and has been teaching undergraduates for over 10 years in topics including science communication and engineering design. Previously she was Director for Initiatives in STEM Teaching and Learning at the University of Chicago’s Chicago Center for Teaching and an Instructional Developer at Purdue University’s Center for Instructional Excellence where she consulted on course design, collaborated on education research, and taught pedagogy courses and workshops. Dr. Zissimopoulos first became involved with the Summer Institutes on Scientific Teaching in 2016 as a regional facilitator, and has co-directed regional institutes at the Midwest and San Diego sites since then. She is thrilled to have found this community of individuals focused on STEM education and looks forward to contributing to the inaugural executive committee.